Fixed Wire Testing (also known as Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR))
Fixed Wire Testing (from £7.00 per circuit) is a statutory responsibility for every UK workplace, detecting and reporting any factors impairing the safety of an electrical installation, as required by the Electricity at Work Regulation (1989)
All electrical Installations need to be maintained in a safe condition and therefore must be periodically inspected and tested by a skilled person. It is recommended in BS 7671 2018 as amended (Regulation 135.1) that every electrical installation is subjected to periodic inspection and testing.
Low voltage electrical wiring and switchgear can deteriorate over time, so inspection and testing ensure the compliance of your workplace with statutory responsibilities. The Report certifies the condition of an electrical installation meets the requirements of BS 7671 (2018) at the time of the inspection, irrespective of the age of the installation, each observation will describe a specific defect.
Call Southern Counties Services (SCS Ltd) for advice on how often your electrical installation requires Fixed Wire Testing and to discuss any related issues you may have. Either call us on 0208 417 0647 or via email on [email protected]